Please check out this FAQ page before calling our office with your question.
How do I see my paystubs?
When do I get paid?
Pay Day is Friday. We start paying people on Thursday as a convenience to you. This also helps us catch any issues with missing time cards or illegible handwriting.
How do I see my paystubs?
My paycheck is wrong!
First thing to do is check your pay stub and look at all of the following:
your hours
pay rate
deductions (garnishments, child support, health insurance, safety equiptment, etc
Once you know what the problem is, shoot our office cell a text message (919-605-4586) with the following info:
Your full (legal) name
What job site you worked on
What days you worked
Your pay rate
What the problem is
When we discover a problem, we can usually have it fixed in 24 hours. If the problem will take longer, we will let you know. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Do I get per diem?
The only people who get per diem are the traveling crews. If you are on a traveling crew, we will let you know. You do not get per diem unless we specifically tell you so.